Brakes & Rotors
Count on our experts to diagnose your vehicle’s problem quickly and properly and ensure you get the required assistance as soon as possible.
Reliable Brake Repair Services
Brakes that function properly are essential for your vehicle’s safety as well as its occupants. If your car, truck, SUV or other vehicle is taking too long to stop, or it’s making grinding noises when you press the brakes, bring it to Zapp’s Repair for our brake inspection and repair services.
Depend on Us for Brake and Rotor Changes
Brake pad replacements are one of the most common automotive services as brakes wear out with the passage of time. The rotors too need to be replaced when rigorously used. Rely on us to change brakes and rotors for you at the right price. We guarantee fast and friendly service.

Contact Us

Mon – Fri: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Closed for Lunch: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Sat – Sun: Closed for Repair

Visit Us
988 East St. Louis St. Nashville, IL 62263